
Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend

What I'm Wearing:
H&M Anorak, Luella T-Shirt, Topshop Mini Skirt, Topshop Knee High Socks, Converse


The Stylish Wanderer said...

AMAZIng. Love this pictures.

The Stylish Wanderer said...

OH and LINKED you lady!

Audrey Leighton said...


My name is Audrey Rogers. I am style editor for The Durham Sanctuary University Newpaper, I also am a contributor for and have my own blog: I just wanted to say, that I LOVE your blog, its content is truly inspirational and I love the way you present fashion to your blogger audience. Yours has, I must admit, become a must-read for me. Anyway, I was wondering, would you like to exchange links? Personally I would love to reccommend your blog to my readers and would really appreciate it if you did the same for me. So let me know, check me out on, for some delicious fashion ramblings and digressions!

xxxx audrey leighton rogers

Female Action Star said...

omgosh those boots are sweet. I'm in love but Hey!!!! I digg ur blog to the max. Always checkin for updates and I kno ur always lookin for some cool new blogs to check out. So check out mine... Its Enjoy!! Let me know what u think of my "poems"